YouTube Bug : Disclose Private Featured Channels

I don't know what wrong with the Bug bounty programs but I've found that due to this COVID-19 situations they wantedly closing the reports as duplicates.

I reported a bug in the YouTube Channels. There is an option for the user to set his featured channels to private.

Featured channels are meant to be Public actually. Ironic!! there is private button if you visit your Channel's Featured Channels.

Visit Channel settings and toggle off the button for the "Customize your Channel". Then, check the tick off the Private button. You see that the Featured channels will not be shown to the users who visit your channel page. 

But here's the bug if you keep visiting or reloading the featued channels page. For example this URL : 

Load it repeatitively you find your featured channels get disclosed. some times. That's the story of this weired bug. 

That's a bummer as reply given by those Google Engineers. This was the second bug that was closed as duplicate. I think those guys efficiency is decreasing :D
