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Showing posts from June, 2020

Facebook Group Bug | Muted members can edit the events

Workplace is Facebook's child.  It has community and within it there could be groups. Now there could be groups that are created outside the community. The Group of Workplace has a feature called Events , that can let its members to create Events as well as edit them.  When a user has created an Event in a Group and later if he is kept in mute, he could change the details like the Name of the Event and locaiton. But while muting a user this is the alert shown in the UI What it says is it only allows to VIEW the group. When it says why it allowed the Group to be edited.. Now, when the same member is muted in the group he can only view the contents in the Group. Here's something which is ironic, THE STATUS. When the event editing isn't allowed the status also must be the same. So, when a user has updated a status in the Group and edits it and captures the HTTP request. THe HTTP Request would be as follows.  POST /webgraphql/mutation/?doc_id=1396480790477967 HTTP/1.1 Host: my.

Facebook Mesenger Bug - Set nick name for a Facebook Page from Messenger

I've been submitting a couple of bugs that are being found by me in the User's Messengers or a   Facebook Pages 's inbox, the tricky thing from the team is the bugs are not at all getting accepted just because of COVID . One of bugs in my previous post was about the Setting emoji but it was reported as duplicated just because they were already aware or they don't want to get the user's paid and escape the payments as the U.S is already in Depression and because of leadership 😜 Let's get into the bug details.. For users it is  normal for setting nicknames for the friends who are in their chat list. But for  Facebook Pages the option doesn't appear. There is actually no UI for setting the Names for the FB Page. All the options that appear for the Messenger for a normal user are: Setting Emoji Setting Nick Name Setting Theme There are different roles for Facebook Pages : Admin, Editor, Moderator who could access the Page's Inbox. The HTTP Request that is