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Showing posts from 2022

Facebook Bug Bounty: Facebook group : users can sendJoin Requests after the Group Admin declined the Request to join

Group Admin invites the User with link.   The User opens the discussion page and sees the Join Group Button  user will request to join the group and his request will be declined After the user reloads the page he'll be shown with No Content  page. But the user can send a request to join from the Discussion page.  

$$$ Facebook Page Crossposting Videos Bug Bounty

 Page editor cannot see the crossposting Page in the Page Settings. But he can use a HTTP Post Request to send an invitation

$$$ YouTube Bug Bounty: Exposing the Unlisted Video in End Screen

There's an annoying feature on Youtube it's called End Screen. When the video is about to end there would be thumbnails of videos that occupy the entire video, giving you a bad experience.  The End screen of any video can be crafted from YouTube Studio The End Screen button opens up a popup that displays radio button, that lets you choose a video that is in your uploaded vidoes.  If you video is private, it shows that The video is private and will be replace with some other video. Now if the video is unlisted it allows you to happily add it in the end screen without notifying that it's an unlisted Video.

Give me money for free !

Posting this while I'm listening to Kalaavathi Song. I was wondering why we watch movies in theatre when we dont' get any money out of it. Why actors are earning more than any scavenger or engineer who is configuring the servers to make life and the world better.. You get nothing or cannot guarantee any entertainment if we are gonna spend hundereds out of our pocket. You watch Instagram reels or stories for free and don't make money out of but the creator of Reels are making money. Why dont' you invest money in the company, just assume that things are getting done, just like you watch movie and get nothing.  Money is just an illusion. How can you fix price for a thing or price for a person?

People don't want another advertising platform but crave for a new social platform

 Pitching for a new advertising platform is a new challenge.... But why ???  "WHY WOULD I CREATE OR PUBLISH AN AD ON YOUR PLATFORM I'M ALREADY DOING IT ON INSTA GOOGLE FACEBOOK etc." When FB psyched stories for WhatsApp Messenger or Facebook and the Insta itself. People are ready to put it on everything. That's a total different perception I felt.