Facebook Secrets
If you have the opportunity to assgin a role to any FB user for a Page
You have roles like
If you assinged a User name A with the role of an Admin. He will get a message that you have sent a request to accept the role for the page.
If the same user is now changed to Editor then the Uesr A gets a notification that the role is being demoted and needs the approval of his.
But if the role is demoted from a Editor to the Advertiser then the user won't get any notification that the Role in the Page is begin modified.
How to Publish a Facebook Page ?
Suppose you are hte admin of the Page then you would be getting a banner on the top of the Home Page that "
The Page isn't visible and you need need to be publshed with a " Publish Button against it.
Now you have 2 options to publish the Page
1. You can click on the PUBLISH Page or
2. You can go to the Page Settings > General
In the first option you have Publish Page. right on the Home Page
In the second options.There are 2 radio buttons
and then you need to click on the Save Changes
The I tried both the HTTP Request. But both fail.
You bloody don't try it . You won't get it.
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